
Last May, I was sent to Copenhagen, Denmark for business.  Luckily, I was able to bring my camera gear along with everything else.  Copenhagen is a very cool city – friendly people, rich history and plenty of museums, restaurants, palaces and parks to keep you busy for a while.  This was good as I was going to be on a project for a while.

As it turns out, there were some national holidays during my time there which allowed me more time to get out and see the city.  May was a good time as the summer tourist season hadn’t started yet but the weather was great – sunny and cool.

The picture below is from the Nyhavn area of Copenhagen at sunrise.  Time lag will get you up earlier than you really want to so you make the best of it.

Outside of Copenhagen, there are many things to experience.  Just north is Kronborg Castle which was funded from tolls collected from ships passing through the straight between Denmark and Sweden.

East of Copenhagen is the town of Roskilde, with the Viking Ship Museum and a beautiful cathedral where the Danish Royalty is interred.

To the northwest is Fredricksberg Castle which was the summer home for the king and queen.  Below you can see the Grand Hall of the palace.

The project gave me an opportunity to explore and new country that I have not been to before and I enjoyed every moment I spent among the people there.  Hopefully I will be able to return one day and see all of the things that I didn’t have time to see the first time.

Many more pictures can be found on my flicker page:

Denmark 2017 Album

Taking a different look at the world around us

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