One thing about me is that I love airplanes (spaceships also), especially vintage aircraft. The Museum of Flight at Boeing Airfield in Seattle, Washington has a fantastic display of all types of air and space craft. If you are in any way interested in this sort of thing then going there is mandatory if you are in the Seattle-Tacoma area. Plan on spending at least half a day.
The last time I was there, they had a B-17 on site with tours given by an actual 8th Air Force Tail Gunner. Not too many chances to do that these days. My favorite part of the museum is HUGE WWI and WWII wing. There are many aircraft and other memorabilia that is extremely rare.
Here was one of my favorites, a Lockheed Electra. Just look at that shine.
Lockheed Electra
Other pictures can be found here (click on the B-17 Tail Gun picture):
Always on the lookout for a good day hike, I found this place: Wallace Falls State Park. It’s east of Everett, Washington just off of Highway 2. My youngest son and I went there and hiked the trail up the stream to the falls. Wallace Falls is 265 feet high in case it’s hard to judge from the picture.
Wallace Falls
Beautiful forest, cool on a hot day, not too hard of a hike (though the last short stretch to the top falls is steep). Lots to do in the park besides hiking: mountain biking, swimming, camping, etc. For more information:
After leaving Twin Falls, Idaho, I drove south on Highway 93 which took me to I-80 in Nevada. Just after crossing into Utah, there are the Bonneville Salt Flats. This is an amazing geological feature – vast flats of white that appear to go on forever. Here is a picture of my 4Runner out on the flats to give some perspective as to the size of the place. If you’re so inclined, you can drive across the flats as fast as you want (or as fast as your vehicle can go). I sort of did that, though the freeway running through the flats has a maximum speed limit of 80 mph so I didn’t try to go too fast. Besides, the salt surface isn’t completely smooth and my car was full of tools.
Bonneville Salt Flats 4Runner
For more Salt Flat pictures in regular and infrared, click on the picture below:
In Twin Falls, Idaho, just outside of town is the Shoshone Falls Park. This is nice, well kept little park along the Snake River with an impressive view of the falls. It’s only a few miles south of I-84 so if you’re driving past there and need a place to stop and stretch your legs I can highly recommend this place. This picture is from my trip across Idaho in the summer of 2014 where I stayed in Twin Falls for the night and went to the park when it opened in the morning.
Shoshone Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho
More pictures can be found here by clicking on the picture: