It’s spring in Texas and that means bluebonnets. Ennis, Texas has some of the most impressive bluebonnet fields I have ever seen but many places in Texas are just as impressive. This year I went down to Ennis early one Monday morning and checked out some of the fields. I have never seen them like this after over 20 years in Texas.

The rest of my bluebonnet pictures from my trip to Ennis can be found here
I was in Anacortes last month for few hours just poking around. Anacortes is a town in the Puget Sound area and is mainly known as where you catch the ferries to get out to the San Juan Islands and Victoria Island. The Old Town section is a neat little area and if you’re ever passing through and have some time, it’s well worth your while to explore the shops around there.
One of my favorite places is the Marine Hardware Store. It has lots of old stuff in there which is like a trip into my grandfather’s garage: tools, buoys, etc. 
Next to the hardware store there was an antique store where I bought an old slide rule (yes I’m a nerd). There was an old lady working there and in the back her husband was napping in a chair. Cute old guy…

More pictures from Anacortes in my photostream:
Taking a different look at the world around us